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Orders are processed on the basis of a request for a cleaning cloth - by telephone or e-mail (e-mail is preferred).

We are an active VAT payer; therefore 23% VAT invoice is issued for all deliveries.
The deadline is usually 1-3 working days from the date of ordering. Everything depends on the amount of ordered cleaning cloth and on currently processed orders from other customers.

Deliveries are made via:
  • Courier parcel - parcels up to 30kg and multiples of this quantity (60kg, 90kg, 120kg, etc.)
  • Our transport up to 3000kg - valid for the following regions: Dolnośląskie, Lubuskie, Wielkopolskie, Opolskie, Łódzkie and Śląskie.
  • Pallet shipment - from 200kg to 600kg (and multiples of these quantities) - in the case of other locations than those specified in the second point.
  • Trucks up to 24 000 kg - mainly the European Union and Eastern Europe.
  • Sea freight - 20- and 40-foot containers - the whole world.

In terms of wholesale quantity, we cover delivery costs throughout the whole country. In order to prepare an offer for your company, please go to the contact tab – a contact form or directly to the e-mail.

Having obtained the information about your location and demand, we will evaluate each customer individually.

We offer deferred payment terms for regular customers.